Keep Moving Forward, Opening up new doors and doing new things, Beacuse we're curious And curiosity keeps leading us guys.
Im just an odd dude trying to do my best in what i can and gonna strive for my DREAMS and no BITCHES AND HOES ARE GONNA STOP ME.
JoSh ~:)
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Hey readers =) I'm back again woot woot Anyway CONGRATS TO the VOllYBallers ^^
WE WON WOOT WOOT~! Anyway schools the same as always =P Had a FREAKING SHOCK when Imran told me that Flower joke >.<>
Anyway I'm not gonna post much but I will leave some words behind just for fanzines haha.
We didn't look at each others' eyes.
We couldn't.
In many different forms
Have some consideration for the ones you hurt
And stop treating them like piss poor dirt
You dwindle down their self-esteem
Just because you’re flat out mean
So just shut the fuck up
You stupid dumb ass pain
So stop it while you can
You stupid evil gossip fan
~.P.S not refering to anyone :P just felt like being random
That's all XD mind my language =P
4:02 AM
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Hey guys just a quick update :)
Anyway Had Greate fun yeh with Hajar Tracy Jas Hidaya and kimmmy, thanks for the great laughs eh XD!
Should do it more offtern haha anyway other then that I have nothing much to post. Maybe just this short little thing yeh?
I am alone,
No friends to depend on,
Life is unfair,
But it goes on,
I wonder what I ever done wrong,
Something said or something done,
To deserve this burden,
From which I run,
I hurt,
I cry,
No one ever sees,
No one ever cares,
No one will ever know the real me.
4:13 AM
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Hey Readers... I am back hoho
Anyway for the few viewers who have been visiting my blog the past few weeks or sorry >.< sorry i didn't blog much eh my blogs been sick for awhile.
Any who Lets see a quick update on my life yeh? Well perform for the at the esplanade =)
Wasn't as great as i thought it would be put then again it's not as bad com pair to vic concent hall for the last Synge performance haha.
Anyway some details :o the whole of us guitar members had to practice our freaking BUTT OFF all the way from the step we entertain the esplanade till show time. IT was freaking horrible -_- but thank god there's Imran to help crack some jokes and We laughed our ass off.
Anyway that's pretty much it :p trying my best to keep my post not to long and windy XD!

Piled up like dust in my heart are the irremovable memories of you, as the daily rain, it gathers again it pushes back as far as it goes.
Cheers & God Bless
Joshay =)
6:13 AM
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Hey Readers, Missed me yeh? Sorry if you have been passing by my blogs for ages and have been seeing the same old post over and over again XD
Anyway here’s just a few quick updates yeh? On what’s going on ^^
Well Mostly of you guys know that my B-days over and all and blah blah blah :P just wana say thanks eh to WL JO Peno!!!! For such a cool surprise party yay ^.^ god bless you girls =P
Anyway other than that life’s been all right I guess? Trying my best and all to persevere with the stress of the whole new study life L so much different compare to the previous class which I was in.. but there’s its ups and downs. Any who we got to push our self to do well yeh?
Looks like most of the teachers are once again not really helping us as much like we were back then... haiz but really am grateful that I have such wonderful class mates right now in my new class J seems only one or two morons are still trying to stir up trouble. Haiz really makes me wonder why there’s such people ? oh well what to do.
Everyone is not perfect, they all have their flaws, but for some is different, they have less than a handful of positive stuff about them. And I won’t really go Into details about this.
Anyway, I’m really such a n fool, you’re the only one in my heart you who have eyes for someone else who have left me. I don’t really bother but then, Do you know how I felt? There isn’t me in your days and not even having any remembrance me who is looking at whom I am yearning for always shed tears. I am happy even to be looking at your back. You still don’t know how I feel in the end you still pass me by. T.T
oh and for thoes who whants my e-mail give me a call or ask wl for my e-mail add :P

God Bless
5:04 AM
Friday, January 30, 2009
Hey readers and happy new year to all.
Been a while eh? Since I last updated… any who just to keep this short and simple since I got quite a few feedbacks that my post is kind of like I’m writing and essay haha , which I find it’s true :p
Anyway here’s the update.
For some of you guys who must be wondering where did I gone off too? Well I’m back to St Hilda’s trying for my ‘O’s… which to me I find quite a difficult rout since the school is not really showing the support they are giving to four of us. And for some reason I do not know why but to those of the class mates whom are reading what I’m about to say don’t take it to heart yeh? This is what I just feel , I don’t really feel like I wanna socialize with anyone right now since I can’t really take what’s going on right now. So if you wanna say whatever shit behind my back go ahead I don’t really give a shit and I know some of you guys already are doing so which I really don’t give a hood.
I had enough crap of years when I was in my fucking normal Tec class which I can’t fucking stand any longer and thank god that its over. So if you wanna start that all over again with me in this new class which I am in hey. This time I come prepared and know what’s goanna happen if you wanna be my friend and you are the “Toxic” friends I urge you to just leave me the hell alone I had enough crap like I have said already. So this is just what I’m goanna write for 2day.
*This is just a little thing about me if some of you guys wana know who and what I’m*
Alone as always.
God bless
5:42 AM
Sunday, December 21, 2008
9:26 PM
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Yoez readers :P been a long time since i blog eh heh. Anyway sorry to dispoint all you guys out there who have been Visiting my blog in and out and been thinking why haven’t he update yet -_-. Well TADA, its updated lol.
Just a quick update on what’s going on last month. Went out with Gratest to have some fun since its been a long time we went out :o. and I got something super cool which I will post in the end of the year think should be during chrismas if im not mistaken. Anyway been kinda rotting at home =P trying to find those temp jobs but so far no luck =( boo. Well I found out some facts on how horrible YoGa is. So to those who are doing YoGa. You might think twice =P.
1) The Word Yoga right. Means “to join” Or “Be united” and originates from Hinduism
2) It may look like exercises that improve flexibility, strength and relaxation. But it is deeply rooted in Hinduism and inseparable from it.
3) Yoga was originally designed for the practitioner to reach a sate of enlightemnd called Kundalini Arosal.
4) Kundalini Is a serpent spirt which rests at the base of the spine AkA DEMON!. When aroused, the serpent travels up the spine. This may happen even when you are not participating in meditaion and its religious teaching.
5) Practice this and you are exposed to the danger of DEMONISATION! And I mean like EXORCIST* O.o
6) As yoga is deeply spiritual in its root, it is contrary to biblical teaching. Given its origin and RISKS. Christians Should not take part in any form of YoGa and its exercises.
So beware my readers =P about the Danger of YoGA!
God Bless. Josh~

8:08 PM
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Hey readers =) I'm back again woot woot Anyway CONGRATS TO the VOllYBallers ^^
WE WON WOOT WOOT~! Anyway schools the same as always =P Had a FREAKING SHOCK when Imran told me that Flower joke >.<>
Anyway I'm not gonna post much but I will leave some words behind just for fanzines haha.
We didn't look at each others' eyes.
We couldn't.
In many different forms
Have some consideration for the ones you hurt
And stop treating them like piss poor dirt
You dwindle down their self-esteem
Just because you’re flat out mean
So just shut the fuck up
You stupid dumb ass pain
So stop it while you can
You stupid evil gossip fan
~.P.S not refering to anyone :P just felt like being random
That's all XD mind my language =P
4:02 AM
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Hey guys just a quick update :)
Anyway Had Greate fun yeh with Hajar Tracy Jas Hidaya and kimmmy, thanks for the great laughs eh XD!
Should do it more offtern haha anyway other then that I have nothing much to post. Maybe just this short little thing yeh?
I am alone,
No friends to depend on,
Life is unfair,
But it goes on,
I wonder what I ever done wrong,
Something said or something done,
To deserve this burden,
From which I run,
I hurt,
I cry,
No one ever sees,
No one ever cares,
No one will ever know the real me.
4:13 AM
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Hey Readers... I am back hoho
Anyway for the few viewers who have been visiting my blog the past few weeks or sorry >.< sorry i didn't blog much eh my blogs been sick for awhile.
Any who Lets see a quick update on my life yeh? Well perform for the at the esplanade =)
Wasn't as great as i thought it would be put then again it's not as bad com pair to vic concent hall for the last Synge performance haha.
Anyway some details :o the whole of us guitar members had to practice our freaking BUTT OFF all the way from the step we entertain the esplanade till show time. IT was freaking horrible -_- but thank god there's Imran to help crack some jokes and We laughed our ass off.
Anyway that's pretty much it :p trying my best to keep my post not to long and windy XD!

Piled up like dust in my heart are the irremovable memories of you, as the daily rain, it gathers again it pushes back as far as it goes.
Cheers & God Bless
Joshay =)
6:13 AM
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Hey Readers, Missed me yeh? Sorry if you have been passing by my blogs for ages and have been seeing the same old post over and over again XD
Anyway here’s just a few quick updates yeh? On what’s going on ^^
Well Mostly of you guys know that my B-days over and all and blah blah blah :P just wana say thanks eh to WL JO Peno!!!! For such a cool surprise party yay ^.^ god bless you girls =P
Anyway other than that life’s been all right I guess? Trying my best and all to persevere with the stress of the whole new study life L so much different compare to the previous class which I was in.. but there’s its ups and downs. Any who we got to push our self to do well yeh?
Looks like most of the teachers are once again not really helping us as much like we were back then... haiz but really am grateful that I have such wonderful class mates right now in my new class J seems only one or two morons are still trying to stir up trouble. Haiz really makes me wonder why there’s such people ? oh well what to do.
Everyone is not perfect, they all have their flaws, but for some is different, they have less than a handful of positive stuff about them. And I won’t really go Into details about this.
Anyway, I’m really such a n fool, you’re the only one in my heart you who have eyes for someone else who have left me. I don’t really bother but then, Do you know how I felt? There isn’t me in your days and not even having any remembrance me who is looking at whom I am yearning for always shed tears. I am happy even to be looking at your back. You still don’t know how I feel in the end you still pass me by. T.T
oh and for thoes who whants my e-mail give me a call or ask wl for my e-mail add :P

God Bless
5:04 AM
Friday, January 30, 2009
Hey readers and happy new year to all.
Been a while eh? Since I last updated… any who just to keep this short and simple since I got quite a few feedbacks that my post is kind of like I’m writing and essay haha , which I find it’s true :p
Anyway here’s the update.
For some of you guys who must be wondering where did I gone off too? Well I’m back to St Hilda’s trying for my ‘O’s… which to me I find quite a difficult rout since the school is not really showing the support they are giving to four of us. And for some reason I do not know why but to those of the class mates whom are reading what I’m about to say don’t take it to heart yeh? This is what I just feel , I don’t really feel like I wanna socialize with anyone right now since I can’t really take what’s going on right now. So if you wanna say whatever shit behind my back go ahead I don’t really give a shit and I know some of you guys already are doing so which I really don’t give a hood.
I had enough crap of years when I was in my fucking normal Tec class which I can’t fucking stand any longer and thank god that its over. So if you wanna start that all over again with me in this new class which I am in hey. This time I come prepared and know what’s goanna happen if you wanna be my friend and you are the “Toxic” friends I urge you to just leave me the hell alone I had enough crap like I have said already. So this is just what I’m goanna write for 2day.
*This is just a little thing about me if some of you guys wana know who and what I’m*
Alone as always.
God bless
5:42 AM
Sunday, December 21, 2008
9:26 PM
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Yoez readers :P been a long time since i blog eh heh. Anyway sorry to dispoint all you guys out there who have been Visiting my blog in and out and been thinking why haven’t he update yet -_-. Well TADA, its updated lol.
Just a quick update on what’s going on last month. Went out with Gratest to have some fun since its been a long time we went out :o. and I got something super cool which I will post in the end of the year think should be during chrismas if im not mistaken. Anyway been kinda rotting at home =P trying to find those temp jobs but so far no luck =( boo. Well I found out some facts on how horrible YoGa is. So to those who are doing YoGa. You might think twice =P.
1) The Word Yoga right. Means “to join” Or “Be united” and originates from Hinduism
2) It may look like exercises that improve flexibility, strength and relaxation. But it is deeply rooted in Hinduism and inseparable from it.
3) Yoga was originally designed for the practitioner to reach a sate of enlightemnd called Kundalini Arosal.
4) Kundalini Is a serpent spirt which rests at the base of the spine AkA DEMON!. When aroused, the serpent travels up the spine. This may happen even when you are not participating in meditaion and its religious teaching.
5) Practice this and you are exposed to the danger of DEMONISATION! And I mean like EXORCIST* O.o
6) As yoga is deeply spiritual in its root, it is contrary to biblical teaching. Given its origin and RISKS. Christians Should not take part in any form of YoGa and its exercises.
So beware my readers =P about the Danger of YoGA!
God Bless. Josh~

8:08 PM