Keep Moving Forward, Opening up new doors and doing new things, Beacuse we're curious And curiosity keeps leading us guys.
Im just an odd dude trying to do my best in what i can and gonna strive for my DREAMS and no BITCHES AND HOES ARE GONNA STOP ME.
JoSh ~:)
Friday, September 26, 2008
Hey Guys 2day was the last day of my Secondary life in St Hilda’s cool eh? Well to be more specific as in last time I will be there in class 4A to study as a class. I sure will miss you guys.
I wish the best in life for all you guys and even for the Haters which I believe you are reading this right now. Anyway I have read the things that you have posted and heard what you have said. I won’t take it to heart. As I have know all these while :) anyway Around here, however we don’t look backwards for very long.
We Keep Moving Forward, Opening up new doors and doing new things, Because we're curious And curiosity keeps leading us down new paths
That’s my motto that I will live up too. I hope that the gossiping shall stop and that even right now as you read this shall not tell to the person on the right nor left that hey josh is talking about you and his shooting you and I was right and that.
Well to me I am not shooting anyone but just speaking to the person whoever is reading it maybe, neither friends nor Foes but I tell you this. Our attitude is base on our own character and if you have a stubborn heart that cant take correction when people pint point your mistakes then you got to search deep within your inner soul. I am not telling you that I’m right or wrong but I believe that everyone do make mistakes is just that do you have the heart of repentance? If not life for you is going to be a hard one as you know it. Like what my teacher has said
~Mr. K ~ life out there is not easy, there will be that someone out there to steal and kill your future.
So I question you this are you that someone who will be doing that to others? I will let you think about that anyway I will miss you guys lots 4A I will list out the names another time : )
I wish you guys all the best in life and if you ever need a helping hand you can always give me a call
God bless you guys
*PS Please Listen to the lyrics of this song it means a lot ~

7:19 AM
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Hey readers ~ sorry if the last post that I posted was a little out of hand, but as you can tell. I can’t take this kind of crap. But I won’t give up I will continue the fight and anyway why should I be bothered about what I think about people who only have a piece of fuck shit to say about me. (sorry for the vulgarity )
Anyway nothing much happen 2day ~ had a great time at church :p went back home and painted the two toilets with help of winnnnyy ^^ and mumez dearest haha. (Not a mama’s boy…or maybe I am? Haha)
And gosh I didn’t know painting was that tiring and fun at the same time haha I got paint all over my bloody HAIR T_T and its white -_- so I got a glimpse of what I would look like when I turn old haha :p After that went to the wonderful Gaylang and gosh been a long time since I been there :P.
Anyway nothing much to post 2day hehe I will post more wonderful stuff maybe tomorrow but if you have been a reader here haha you should know that my tomorrow might take some time hehe XD anyway that’s about it and if you’re wondering, To the haters I don’t give a Hook about what you say about me as I believe that Vengeance belongs to my god and I have laid all my burdens down to him.
God Bless ~
Some Pictures at my Uncle's Place :)
I wants YOur food ( me and Timmy ) cus :)

6:44 AM
Friday, September 19, 2008
Hey guys i just came across to the people who enjoy looking at me and LOVE to be such an ass towards me so heres something for you :) (gonna keep it short) might sound quite rude but if its not about you then move on :)
Love me or hate me, it's still an obsession.
Love me or hate me, that is the question.
If you love me then thank you!
If you hate me then fuck you!
~To the Bitches and HOES~

6:59 PM
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Heyz all =P to those who know me in class and all haha hi hi to all ^^. Apparently wl fufu kimmy and i were freaking late~ ouch eh :P but what the hack can you be live it like is as being first time and all we got freaking called to shan office like wow O.O.
Anyway nth much to post about :O other than haiz... only a few more days left :) cant wait till its over weeee n lvl is such a stressful period of time. :(
TO da da da Weee da ling dong :P <<< nonsense haha
OH not forgetting to the people who hates me and wants to know what i will do and such and blah de da nonses! Please READ What i have Typed in my Prvieous POST !!!
God bless :)
12:44 AM
Friday, September 05, 2008
Hey all. Ok today I am gona post something that I have been keeping deep in my heart for such a long time. Yes if you know what I am talking about I am directly speaking to the people who are criticizing about me, anyway I do not care what other people say about how grayish or girly I am. I don’t give a fuck about what you think, because I RESPECT NO MAN other than my family and heads of cause.
So the people out there who say such words about me, well thank you and I would urge you to stop as what I believe what the word has thought me that those who judge others will be judge, and those who condemn others you yourself will be condemned. So if you are still doing this you got to change. Yes I do gossip about others at times and I do condemn people but now I have changed, I just want to say I am not who I was.
Now no men on this earth have never Sin at all even you readers who are reading this right now have sin. To those who do not know what sin means it means by doing the wrong acts like gossiping and stuff which I believe you yourself should know. Ok back to the topic about I don’t care what the people says about me. So I do not why or what you are trying to pull but why are you so deplorable to do such a thing like comparing of marks? Yes I believe that you are reading this right now. Does it affect you if I win your results or not? There is always someone smarter than me or even you. Everyone knows that as it’s a fact. So stop putting such a sad a pathetic expression and get along with life. Stop being so adolescent and immature I really can’t take this anymore.
Why? Because, well think for yourself, tell someone about this problem and what you think they will say? Oh how come they are doing such childish and such low self esteem act? I don’t believe that what problems you have that says oh I have this and that problem that’s why I am like this. NO this is base on your SELF you build up your own self image there is no such thing to blame stuff that happens to you, that changed your whole character IS ALL STIRGHT UP RUBISH.
Anyway now I just want to say that since so much have been going on in my life. I only trust these few people which are my own family and to my close friends. If you don’t believe and have been deeply hurt by this well I can tell you this. The truth is sharper then a double edged sword so I urge you guys to really think deep inside and stop such childish act.
All right I shall stop here for now I believe I have said what I want to say right now and thanks for reading J And all the best to your N’s ,O’s ,EOY and life.
God bless you guys
(523) words hehe
5:33 PM
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Hey All ^^ Once again sorry I didn’t post this time my internet went bonkos on me. Anyway time for some UPDATES ^^ just changed my blog song to Crush By David Archuleta some says I look like him -.- which I have no idea which is true or not lol for those who don’t know who’s David Archuleta well his picture should be below heh
So lets see well last week Thursday had a cool and fun time at Jolene House that night , well we had steam boat and all but sadly I couldn’t stay for the food L had plains with my family on going out to TM for our dinner and to get like lingerie for my mum lol
Anyway after that went back to Jo’s house and chit chat with all who where there ^^ oh I totally forgot to write who was there :o they wereeeeee arh just look at the pictures below and you should know. After awhile later, went down to Jo’s playground right next to her house. Played like what’s that game called oh Crocodile jumping here and there like bloody apes =p
I will post tomorrow about the rest of the days.
Right now I’m having my N’s like it’s so freaking fast. I could remember way back in the good old days when I was still in sec 1 haha but wow… how time flies eh J any who to my readers who are having their EOY or N’s good luck and all the best not to mention STUDY is never too late to study. Remember we don’t really have much time left.
Oaky so enough with all this Mambo Jumbo Time FOR Pictures
~Oh sorry if I didn’t post anything juicy for you guys 2day heh =)~

Do i Look Like him O.O

RUm and ME? LOL


BRAN Watz with your socks XD


6:18 AM
Friday, September 26, 2008
Hey Guys 2day was the last day of my Secondary life in St Hilda’s cool eh? Well to be more specific as in last time I will be there in class 4A to study as a class. I sure will miss you guys.
I wish the best in life for all you guys and even for the Haters which I believe you are reading this right now. Anyway I have read the things that you have posted and heard what you have said. I won’t take it to heart. As I have know all these while :) anyway Around here, however we don’t look backwards for very long.
We Keep Moving Forward, Opening up new doors and doing new things, Because we're curious And curiosity keeps leading us down new paths
That’s my motto that I will live up too. I hope that the gossiping shall stop and that even right now as you read this shall not tell to the person on the right nor left that hey josh is talking about you and his shooting you and I was right and that.
Well to me I am not shooting anyone but just speaking to the person whoever is reading it maybe, neither friends nor Foes but I tell you this. Our attitude is base on our own character and if you have a stubborn heart that cant take correction when people pint point your mistakes then you got to search deep within your inner soul. I am not telling you that I’m right or wrong but I believe that everyone do make mistakes is just that do you have the heart of repentance? If not life for you is going to be a hard one as you know it. Like what my teacher has said
~Mr. K ~ life out there is not easy, there will be that someone out there to steal and kill your future.
So I question you this are you that someone who will be doing that to others? I will let you think about that anyway I will miss you guys lots 4A I will list out the names another time : )
I wish you guys all the best in life and if you ever need a helping hand you can always give me a call
God bless you guys
*PS Please Listen to the lyrics of this song it means a lot ~

7:19 AM
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Hey readers ~ sorry if the last post that I posted was a little out of hand, but as you can tell. I can’t take this kind of crap. But I won’t give up I will continue the fight and anyway why should I be bothered about what I think about people who only have a piece of fuck shit to say about me. (sorry for the vulgarity )
Anyway nothing much happen 2day ~ had a great time at church :p went back home and painted the two toilets with help of winnnnyy ^^ and mumez dearest haha. (Not a mama’s boy…or maybe I am? Haha)
And gosh I didn’t know painting was that tiring and fun at the same time haha I got paint all over my bloody HAIR T_T and its white -_- so I got a glimpse of what I would look like when I turn old haha :p After that went to the wonderful Gaylang and gosh been a long time since I been there :P.
Anyway nothing much to post 2day hehe I will post more wonderful stuff maybe tomorrow but if you have been a reader here haha you should know that my tomorrow might take some time hehe XD anyway that’s about it and if you’re wondering, To the haters I don’t give a Hook about what you say about me as I believe that Vengeance belongs to my god and I have laid all my burdens down to him.
God Bless ~
Some Pictures at my Uncle's Place :)
I wants YOur food ( me and Timmy ) cus :)

6:44 AM
Friday, September 19, 2008
Hey guys i just came across to the people who enjoy looking at me and LOVE to be such an ass towards me so heres something for you :) (gonna keep it short) might sound quite rude but if its not about you then move on :)
Love me or hate me, it's still an obsession.
Love me or hate me, that is the question.
If you love me then thank you!
If you hate me then fuck you!
~To the Bitches and HOES~

6:59 PM
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Heyz all =P to those who know me in class and all haha hi hi to all ^^. Apparently wl fufu kimmy and i were freaking late~ ouch eh :P but what the hack can you be live it like is as being first time and all we got freaking called to shan office like wow O.O.
Anyway nth much to post about :O other than haiz... only a few more days left :) cant wait till its over weeee n lvl is such a stressful period of time. :(
TO da da da Weee da ling dong :P <<< nonsense haha
OH not forgetting to the people who hates me and wants to know what i will do and such and blah de da nonses! Please READ What i have Typed in my Prvieous POST !!!
God bless :)
12:44 AM
Friday, September 05, 2008
Hey all. Ok today I am gona post something that I have been keeping deep in my heart for such a long time. Yes if you know what I am talking about I am directly speaking to the people who are criticizing about me, anyway I do not care what other people say about how grayish or girly I am. I don’t give a fuck about what you think, because I RESPECT NO MAN other than my family and heads of cause.
So the people out there who say such words about me, well thank you and I would urge you to stop as what I believe what the word has thought me that those who judge others will be judge, and those who condemn others you yourself will be condemned. So if you are still doing this you got to change. Yes I do gossip about others at times and I do condemn people but now I have changed, I just want to say I am not who I was.
Now no men on this earth have never Sin at all even you readers who are reading this right now have sin. To those who do not know what sin means it means by doing the wrong acts like gossiping and stuff which I believe you yourself should know. Ok back to the topic about I don’t care what the people says about me. So I do not why or what you are trying to pull but why are you so deplorable to do such a thing like comparing of marks? Yes I believe that you are reading this right now. Does it affect you if I win your results or not? There is always someone smarter than me or even you. Everyone knows that as it’s a fact. So stop putting such a sad a pathetic expression and get along with life. Stop being so adolescent and immature I really can’t take this anymore.
Why? Because, well think for yourself, tell someone about this problem and what you think they will say? Oh how come they are doing such childish and such low self esteem act? I don’t believe that what problems you have that says oh I have this and that problem that’s why I am like this. NO this is base on your SELF you build up your own self image there is no such thing to blame stuff that happens to you, that changed your whole character IS ALL STIRGHT UP RUBISH.
Anyway now I just want to say that since so much have been going on in my life. I only trust these few people which are my own family and to my close friends. If you don’t believe and have been deeply hurt by this well I can tell you this. The truth is sharper then a double edged sword so I urge you guys to really think deep inside and stop such childish act.
All right I shall stop here for now I believe I have said what I want to say right now and thanks for reading J And all the best to your N’s ,O’s ,EOY and life.
God bless you guys
(523) words hehe
5:33 PM
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Hey All ^^ Once again sorry I didn’t post this time my internet went bonkos on me. Anyway time for some UPDATES ^^ just changed my blog song to Crush By David Archuleta some says I look like him -.- which I have no idea which is true or not lol for those who don’t know who’s David Archuleta well his picture should be below heh
So lets see well last week Thursday had a cool and fun time at Jolene House that night , well we had steam boat and all but sadly I couldn’t stay for the food L had plains with my family on going out to TM for our dinner and to get like lingerie for my mum lol
Anyway after that went back to Jo’s house and chit chat with all who where there ^^ oh I totally forgot to write who was there :o they wereeeeee arh just look at the pictures below and you should know. After awhile later, went down to Jo’s playground right next to her house. Played like what’s that game called oh Crocodile jumping here and there like bloody apes =p
I will post tomorrow about the rest of the days.
Right now I’m having my N’s like it’s so freaking fast. I could remember way back in the good old days when I was still in sec 1 haha but wow… how time flies eh J any who to my readers who are having their EOY or N’s good luck and all the best not to mention STUDY is never too late to study. Remember we don’t really have much time left.
Oaky so enough with all this Mambo Jumbo Time FOR Pictures
~Oh sorry if I didn’t post anything juicy for you guys 2day heh =)~

Do i Look Like him O.O

RUm and ME? LOL


BRAN Watz with your socks XD


6:18 AM